Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011 '11-'12 Waterfowl Regs

Ducks, coots, and mergansers: Saturday nearest September 24th (September 24th) – Last Sunday in January (January 29th), 60
days, no more than 3 splits. 

Special Sea Duck: In special sea duck area only, September 15th - January 31st, 107 days. 
Brant: Saturday nearest September 24th (Saturday 24th) - January 31st, 50 days, no more than 2 splits.
Dark Geese (Canada geese & White-fronted geese): 

Resident Population Zone: October 1st – March 10th, 80 days (no more than 3 splits); 
Southern James Bay Zone: October 1st - December 31st, 70 days (no more than 2 splits); 
NE Hunt Zone: Saturday prior to December 25th (December 24th) – January 31st, 7 days (Note: Refer to NE Hunt Zone Canada goose below).
Light Geese (snow & blue geese & Ross’ geese): October 1st - March 10th, 107 days, 3 splits. Note: Refer to expanded hunting methods for light geese below.
Tundra Swan: October 1st - January 31st, 90 days, no splits, permit only (5,000 permits).
Compensatory days are allowed for Sundays.

a) Conventional bag: 6 ducks with no more than 4 mallards with no more than 2 hen mallards, 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 canvasback, 1 black duck, 1 mottled duck and 1 fulvous whistling duck. The season on harlequin ducks is closed.
b) Other bag limits:
•    25 light geese (includes snow & blue geese and Ross’ geese), no possession limit •    

2 brant •    
15 coots •    
Canada geese and White-fronted geese (in aggregate)
September (Statewide):    15 
Resident Zone (regular season – after September 30th):   5 
SJBP Zone (regular season – after September 30th):    5 
NE Hunt Zone (regular season – after September 30th):    1
•    5 mergansers (2 hooded mergansers) 

•    7 sea ducks (In special sea duck area only). In other areas, sea ducks are part of the regular duck bag limit. No
more than 4 scoters per day may be taken in either season. 

POSSESSION LIMIT: Twice the daily bag limit, unless otherwise noted.
YOUTH WATERFOWL DAY: Two Youth Waterfowl Days may be chosen. They may occur on non-consecutive, non-school days outside of an established open duck season. Youth must be 15 years of age or younger and accompanied by a properly licensed adult at least 21 years of age. Species include ducks, geese, tundra swans, mergansers, and coots. The youth must hold a valid permit for tundra swan. Youth must also hold a valid permit for Canada geese in the Northeast Hunt Zone, pending approval by the Wildlife Commission. The adult may not duck hunt, but may participate in other open seasons on the special youth day.
SHOOTING HOURS: One half hour before sunrise to sunset.

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